
LifeLong Learning

JHCN is committed to providing continuing education for the end-of-life care community through the LifeLong Learning program.

LifeLong Learning opportunities:

Henrietta and Alvin A. Weisberg Caring Coalition Conference

JHCN hosts a full day annual event of accredited education for healthcare professionals on end-of-life topics featuring nationally recognized speakers. The conference includes keynote presentations, networking opportunities and an exhibit hall comprised of more than 60 sponsors. Registration opens each spring. Learn more.

Partner Education

JHCN educates professional partners by offering in-service sessions on how to best serve Jewish patients, including survivors of the Holocaust and their loved ones. Topics include: Jewish medical ethics, end-of-life decision making, Shabbat/Holidays, Jewish rituals and Kosher dietary customs.

Professional Growth

The JHCN team regularly engages in learning sessions and invites professional partners and other experts to present on current best practices.

To learn more

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