Music Enrichment Visits

The Power of Music

Participants enjoy visits from a professional musician. Music brings joy and facilitates connection. It is especially impactful for individuals who are less interactive as music often resonates when the spoken word does not.

Music Enrichment

Music Enrichment Benefits

  • Fosters feelings of joy
  • Promotes engagement
  • Increases relaxation
  • Reduces anxiety and stress


  • One-on-one interaction
  • In-person or virtual
  • Professional musicians
  • Patients select the music
  • Family participation option

To learn more about

Life Enrichments

Contact us

JHCN does not charge for any of its services. You’ll never receive a bill.

Music Enrichment Funds

Burton A. Zipser and Sandra A. Zipser Foundation Music Performance Fund

Susan Berman Shevitz Memorial Music Fund

Carole Jo Lasser Music Fund

Debbie and Jerome Glassman Music Enhancement Fund

To learn about creating a named fund contact Megan Topper
248-592-3969 or